Category Entertainment

Latest entertainment news including celebrities, movies, music, and other media commentary from the staff and contributors of the Tiger.

Movie Sequels We Wish We’d Seen

Mulan 2: The Communist Years Disney introduces more diversity into their lineup of female role models as Mulan becomes the first Communist Disney Princess. With slick, animated choreography, she travels across China sticking to the party line and instituting land…

Guide to Selling Rap Albums

Song Music Entertainment, Inc. New York, NY October13, 2009 To: All music producers From: Jonathan W. Davis, VP Musical Direction Subject: NEW ARTISTIC DIRECTION In light of flagging sales, it is becoming increasingly clear that the music industry as a…

Pinball Wizard Outed as Fraud

In a revelation that has rocked the world of competitive pinball, international champion Derek Dolohov, commonly known as the “Pinball Wizard,” has been outed as a fraud.  Dolohov gained fame unsurpassed in his sport partly due to his inspiring accomplishments…