Category Entertainment

Latest entertainment news including celebrities, movies, music, and other media commentary from the staff and contributors of the Tiger.

For Rap, A Moral Leader Emerges

In today’s world of liberal propaganda and left-wing music, the modern supporter of traditional families and conventional values finds himself strangely awash in repulsive media. Fortunately, a burst of light shines through this haze: the rapper T.I. While modern music…

The FCC Goes Balls To The Wall

The FCC released a statement today stating it will crack down on the abuse of testicular trauma in motion pictures beginning in the year 2010. Chairman of the organization, Julius Genachowski, was quoted as saying, “We all have our favorite…

TV of the Future

Dull Housewife This Hallmark program will track the  life and times of the rapidly aging Mrs. Fieldman, as she watches made-for-tv movies for 18 hours a day without variation. As her children become more distant and her husband’s list of…