The War On Valentine’s Day

Wake up, America.

As we all know, the liberals have launched a full-scale war on American holidays. December brought another secularist attack on Christmas. In January, the left pushed their evil plan to a new level when they viciously claimed Martin Luther King Day by labeling it as a celebration of “civil rights.” However, this time, the left has gone too far. They’ve taken the most sacred day of the year and turned it into a vile manifestation of their twisted agenda. That’s right, America: the liberals have seized Saint Valentine’s Day and plunged us all into a hellish vision of the despicable future they want.

Valentine’s Day used to be a wholesome American holiday.  After all, what better way to celebrate our proud capitalist tradition than with $18 billion in spending on fancy dinners and overpriced chocolate? Cupid himself, with his trusty bow and arrow, was a staunch defender of the right to open carry. But the liberals have taken this most patriotic of days and turned it on its head. They’ve tried to convince the American public with their catchy slogans and politically correct language that Valentine’s Day is all about love. Don’t be fooled: “love” is a façade for the machinations of the leftist cabal, a code word for the deplorable displays of deviant romanticism and wanton tolerance they wish to see consume our god-fearing nation. And don’t even get me started on the Valentine’s displays of sexual depravity! Partners having sex, acquaintances having sex, strangers having sex, gays having sex! Just the other day, I saw a Valentine’s Day card emblazoned with blatant propaganda: an image of two clearly homosexual labradors sitting together in a heart the color of communism, advancing the extremist liberal agenda one “Puppy Love” at a time.

On February 14, don’t buy into the left’s crooked scam. Grab your bow and arrow, buy some overpriced steak, abstain from any homosexual or premarital affection, and celebrate Valentine’s Day the right way.


– PA ’21