Study Abroad Tips


First, you need to make sure that study abroad will work with your major. Then, choose a country where you would like to study or use one of Princeton’s own programs. I did Princeton In Southern Switzerland, or PISS as we call it, and it was a great time.

Before you finalize your plans to go, make sure that it is really something that you want to do and that it won’t irreparably damage any relationships that you have back home.

Read all of the emails from Nancy Kanach.

If you have a boyfriend or girlfriend, definitely tell them that you’re doing study abroad before you actually leave. Sorry about that, Sharon.

Get your things packed a few days before you leave the country. It always pays to be prepared.

Try to avoid having your girlfriend break up with you two hours before your flight. Damn it, Sharon, I thought I told you I would be doing PISS back in November and that we both tacitly agreed not to talk about it because it would be too heartbreaking that I was going away.

Try to avoid crying on the whole nine-hour plane ride to Switzerland.

Don’t watch Remember the Titans on the airplane in an attempt to cheer yourself up, because you’ll just cry even more when Gerry Bertier gets in the car accident after they win the game that sends the team to the state finals.

When you get to Switzerland, don’t send back Swiss chocolates to your girlfriend/now ex-girlfriend because it’s not even worth the $90. Sharon, I said I was sorry—is that not good enough for you?

I didn’t mean that. Sharon, if you’re reading this, I just want to say that I’ve changed a lot. I’m a different person now and we can try things again.

When you get to your destination, remember to exchange currency. If you have credit cards, alert your bank so they do not think your identity was stolen.

Study-AbroadReally commit to your study abroad program. Dive into the challenges it presents. I completely immersed myself in PISS.

No seriously, Sharon, I’m different now. When I was in PISS, my view of the world entirely changed. PISS challenges the senses, making things that previously felt important to be just momentary trifles.

The smells of PISS. Overwhelming but also refined.

PISS left me dripping with confidence and a newfound sense of purpose.

When I took a step back and let the experience of PISS wash over me, covering my whole person from head to toe, I knew that I had completely changed. Sharon, I just hope that you can see how PISS has made me a better person.

– AKR ’16. Illustrated by CSO ’15 & KX ’16.