Friend Who Got In Empathizes With Friend Who Was Hosed


Newly-accepted Cannon member Josephine Glendon ’17 decided to be the bigger person Friday, leaving a Cannon event early to comfort her friend and roommate of two years, Cynthia Armstrong ’17, who was hosed from Cannon.

“It’s pretty much random,” Glendon told her somber friend. “I honestly don’t even know how I got in. I didn’t deserve it any more than you.”

Glendon then removed the Cannon sweatshirt she had received the day before, pledging to herself that she would never wear it when she thought Armstrong was around.

“I feel terrible for Cynthia, but Josephine has been really sweet to her these last few days,” Caroline Andrews ’17, a third roommate, told The Princeton Tiger. “I think it’s really important that she knows that her friends still want to be there for her.”

Their fourth roommate could not be reached for comment because she was attending an event at the Cap & Gown Club.

Glendon downplayed the significance of Bicker to her relationship with her friend, adding that she “would be happy to put [Armstrong] on the list” for any Cannon events she wished to attend, but she did mention her concern that she would make new friends and be unable to room with Armstrong next year.

“I’m sure it’ll work itself out,” Glendon said, “Cynthia still has a ton of friends she can room with.”

“Fuck her!” Armstrong commented when asked if she wanted to continue in her current rooming situation. “I don’t want to have to talk to that asshole every day.”

SBW ’15

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