Fucking WhitmanWire

WhitmanWire has brought to my attention the fact that there are a lot of arts and crafts going on at Princeton. Where the fuck are you people finding the time to do arts and crafts?

Seriously. If you have time to scrapbook and make tie-dye shirts and bake, keep it to yourself because those of us who don’t have that time don’t want to fucking hear about it.

If you still can’t help yourselves, here is my suggestion for getting it out of your fucking systems. Make your arts and crafts and baked fucking goods, and then set up a flea market outside of Whitman or something. I’m sure nobody will buy your stupid fucking artsy shit because they are probably really crappy since they were made by a Princeton student in his/her spare time.

This way, you can show the world (by which I mean the disinterested passers-by) that you do arts and crafts and bake (fist bump for baking, yeah!), and at the same time reduce everyone’s Whitmanwire inbox clutter. You motherfuckers.

Thank You,

Normal Person

– BE